

美術館 > ENGLISH > EXHIBITION > Permanent Collection > Permanent Collection 2nd term 2024


Permanent Collection 2nd term 2024

July 9 - October 6, 2024
at the Parmanent Collection Galleries 1-3

Room 1:  Collection Highlights

Artist Title Date Material Donator
Marc CHAGALL La branche 1956-62 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
Auguste RENOIR Young Woman in Blue ca. 1876 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
Claude MONET The Port of Argenteuil Seen from the Road Bridge 1874 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
Claude MONET The Village of la Roche-Blond, Evening Effect 1889 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
YASUI Sōtarō Nude ca. 1910 Oil on canvas  
MURAYAMA Kaita Self-Portrait 1916 Oil on canvas  
SAEKI Yūzō Church of St. Anne 1928 Oil on canvas  
FUJISHIMA Takeji Breaking Waves at Daiō Misaki 1932 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
SUDA Kunitarō Shigaraki 1935 Oil on canvas Gift of the Okada Cultural Foundation
Francisco de GOYA Los Desastres de la Guerra(58)<No hay que dar voces. > 1810-20 Etching, aquatint, burin and burnisher on paper  
Francisco de GOYA Los Desastres de la Guerra(60)<No hay quien los socorra.> 1810-20 Etching, aquatint, burin and burnisher on paper  
KINOSHITA Tomio Face (Disaster) 1959 Woodblock print on paper  
José Luis ALEXANCO Soldiver 1990 Mixedmedia on canvas  
MOTONAGA Sadamasa Red and Yellow 1963 Mixed media on canvas  
Joan MIRÓ Album 13 (Set of Seventeen Prints) 1948 Lithograph on paper  
SAKAKI Bakuzan Earth unknown Paper Gift of Mrs. Sakaki Miyoko
SAKAKI Bakuzan Light in the east (a circle painted with a single stroke) 1994 Paper Gift of Mrs. Sakaki Miyoko
NAVALÓN, Natividad My Body: Overflow and Fear (3rd part). When you cover me I rest peacefully. 1997 Velvet, iron and cord  
IKEMURA Leiko red trees 2009 Oil on canvas  
YANAGIHARA Yoshitatsu Woman Pulling on Her Stockings 1993 Bronze Gift of the Artist


Room 2: Kobayashi Kenzō: A Retrospective

Artist Title Date Material Donators
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Landscape with Cat and Bird 1950's Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Turtles First half of 1960's Oil on canvas Gift of the Artist
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Birds First half of 1960's Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Duku (Horned Owl)  1962 Oil on canvas Gift of the Artist
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Squirrels First half of the 1960's Oil on canvas Gift of Mr. Ibi Hiroyuki and Ms. Ibi Yasuko
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Birds 1966 Oil on canvas
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Bird 1965 Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Squirrels ca. 1965 Oil on canvas Private Collection
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Birds 1965 Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Birds 1963 Oil on canvas
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Poco in a White Scene from Little Travel 1969 Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Morning over a Field 1970s Oil on canvas Gift of the Artist
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Spring Hill 1975 Oil on canvas
KOBAYASHI Kenzō In Colmar 1978-87 Oil on canvas Gift of the Artist
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Pond in a Field with Flowers 1985 Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae
KOBAYASHI Kenzō Houses in a Field 1978 Oil on canvas Gift of Ms. Kato Matae

Room 3: Nature Abstraction

Artist Title Dat Material Donators
TACHI Katsuo  Jasper stone 1998 Oil on canvas
TACHI Katsuo gold that has been tasted in the fire 1998 Oil on canvas
TACHI Katsuo June.7.2007 2007 Oil on canvas
AKIOKA Miho Untitled Unknown NECO Print on hemp paper Gift of Ms. Akioka Sono
AKIOKA Miho Untitled Unknown NECO Print on hemp paper Gift of Ms. Akioka Sono
SUWA Naoki PT-9055 1990 Acrylic on cotton Gift of Sambi Shisha:Mr. Ueda Kuniaki  and Ms. Ueda Katsuko
SUWA Naoki PT-9056 1990 Acrylic on cotton Gift of Sambi Shisha:Mr. Ueda Kuniaki and Ms. Ueda Katsuko
IKEMURA Leiko Waterfall 1990 Acrylic on canvas
ARAKAWA Tomoko Kodo 2014 Oil on canvas Gift of Mie Prefectural Art Museum Assistance Foundation
IWANA Yasutake Animal's Field 2021 Oil on canvas
IMAMURA Tetsu Numberless 2000 Bees wax, pigment and acrylic on canvas and panel
