

美術館 > ENGLISH > EXHIBITION > Temporary Exhibitions > 2010- > 三重県立美術館-Mirage and Insomnia

Mirage and Insomnia ―The Imagination of Day-Night Reversal

Saturday, 16 May – Sunday, 28 June 2015

Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

  • Entry is permitted thirty minutes before the galleries are closed.


Closed: Mondays 



Adults: 700(500)yen
Students(College or senior high school): 600(400)yen
Students(Elementary or junior high schoo): Free

  • Prices in parentheses are for groups of more than 20 persons.
  • Persons with disability, one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge.




Mie Prefectural Art Museum



The Cultural Foundation of Okada

Mie Prefectural Art Museum Assistance Foundation


Exhibition Overview


"More heavenly than those glittering stars we hold the eternal eyes which the Night hath opened within us".

Novalis, Hymns to the Night


When the day and the night is reversed, or merges into each other, our imagination can have an astonishing leap.

As in the phrases of Novalis above, the darkness of the night have  attracted countless poets or storytellers. Even for us, experiencing the rise in efficiency around the midnight, while cramming or writing, is not a rare case. Such mysterious power of imagination triggered by the night could have surely influenced the visual artists, too.

On the other hand, we can easily find the images in visual arts which we can compare with daydreams. In this exhibition, among such numerous works of art, we focus on two concepts: vision and mirage. It might show peculiar images as those dreamed during the daytime. 

We usually stay active during the daytime, and close our eyes to rest during the night. The inspiration that comes when one gets out of such ordinary cycle can have interesting influence on artworks. In the exhibition Mirage and Insomnia, we examine such mysterious power of the day-night reversed situation through our museum collection.


Related Events


Gallery Talks by the curator

  Saturday, 23 May 2:00 p.m.

  Sunday, 21 June, 2:00 p.m.  


*Exhibition ticket is required


You may find further information about related events on this website or Twitter (@mie_kenbi).
