

美術館 > ENGLISH > COLLECTION > OGAWA Usen 《Twelve Bridges in Hongo


OGAWA, Usen (1868-1938)
Twelve Bridges of the Riverside District
Tint colors on paper

Usen Twelve bridges in Hongo  1933

This is an Indian ink painting by Usen Ogawa who was active from the Taisho era to the first part of the Showa era as a member of the Japan Art Institute and held an unique position in the history of modern Japanese painting.

In his early period, Usen released cuts and cartoons on magazines and newspapers. But after moving to live by the Ushiku swamp in Ibaraki Prefecture in 1896, he produced many works of illusionary atmosphere inspired by the mystic legends and natural phenomena of the riverside district and Indian ink paintings filled with sympathy for his surroundings.

This 'Twelve Bridges of the Riverside District' is also an Indian ink painting whose theme is the riverside scenery of Itako area which was very familiar to Usen. On the water at the middle of the picture, a small boat carrying an ox, a farmer and a boatman moves slowly and nature, with trees and widening rice paddies, surrounds them gently.

Above the picture is an inscription by the artist himself in soft, subdued brush work, describing the artist's feeling towards the twelve bridges which were the famous scenic spots of the riverside district. From both the picture and the inscription, we can see Usen's warm affection towards the beautiful nature of the riverside district.

(Ichiro Mori)
